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The History and Meaning of Graduation Gowns

Graduation gowns are the traditional attire worn by students and faculty members during graduation ceremonies. They are usually black or dark-colored robes that cover the body from the shoulders to the ankles, and are accompanied by a cap, a hood, and sometimes a stole or a cord. Graduation gowns have a long and rich history that dates back to the medieval times, and they symbolize the academic achievements and honors of the graduates.To get more news about Graduation Gowns, you can visit official website.

The origin of graduation gowns can be traced back to the 12th and 13th centuries, when universities were first established in Europe. At that time, most of the students and teachers were members of the clergy, who wore long robes and hoods as their daily clothing. The robes served as a protection from the cold weather, as well as a sign of their status and authority. The hoods were originally used to cover the head, but later became a decorative accessory that indicated the wearer’s degree and discipline. Graduation gowns have evolved over time to reflect the changes in fashion, culture, and education. In the 16th century, the robes became more colorful and elaborate, with different styles and designs for different degrees and faculties. In the 17th century, the caps were introduced, which were either square-shaped or round-shaped, depending on the country. In the 18th century, the stoles and cords were added, which represented the academic honors and achievements of the graduates.

Graduation gowns have also become more standardized and uniform in the modern era. In 1895, an intercollegiate commission in the United States adopted a code of academic dress that specified the colors, shapes, and materials of the graduation gowns for different degrees and disciplines. The code was later revised and updated by various academic associations, such as the American Council on Education. Similar codes were also adopted by other countries, such as Canada, Australia, and the United Kingdom.

Graduation gowns are more than just clothing. They are also symbols of the academic achievements and honors of the graduates. The color of the gown indicates the level of degree, such as bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral. The color of the hood indicates the field of study, such as arts, sciences, engineering, or medicine. The color of the stole or cord indicates the academic honors or awards, such as cum laude, magna cum laude, or summa cum laude.

Graduation gowns are also symbols of the academic tradition and culture. They represent the continuity and connection between the past and present generations of scholars. They also represent the diversity and unity among the graduates who come from different backgrounds and disciplines. Graduation gowns are also symbols of pride and joy for the graduates who have worked hard and achieved their goals.

In conclusion graduation gowns are a significant part of graduation ceremonies. They have a long and rich history that dates back to the medieval times. They symbolize the academic achievements and honors of the graduates. They also symbolize the academic tradition and culture that connects and celebrates the graduates. Graduation gowns are not only clothing but also meaning.

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